bubbles 1

bubbles 1

الأحد، 2 مايو 2010

Happy 20 year to me ~
When clock say it midnight
I couldn't help the mix feeling I had between joy and sadness in my heart
here I am facing my new year ..reaching 20
19 years had gone from my life
what did I do on it ?
was there something important I did?
did I make any different in anyone life ?
who am I before and what am I now ?
I have a lot of questions in my mind
I still feel sad for some reason
all what I want to know now is if there is something I did is remarkable ?
or if there is anyone will remember me if I die one day ?
still can't help the feeling that there is something I still need to do
and few other thing that I missed it and still wished I did it before
I don't know if feeling will change in few hours
it still 1 am here so I still have the rest of the day to see how is my first day in 20 will be
I really wish I was with my beloved husband now
will ...
all what I have to do is wait and see how this day will be
I'll write the rest in few hours
it will be long day ...

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